Tag Archives: Cost of new inground pool

Swimming Pool Safety Tips for Pets

Swimming Pool Safety Tips for Pets

You have just installed your new inground swimming pool. Undoubtedly, you are very excited about it. However, swimming pool safety must always be considered. Normally, one associated swimming pool safety with children. But, the likelihood of a dog drowning in a pool is just as high. In addition to overseeing your new inground pool installation, at Mr. Pool, we have also created this list of…

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In Ground Pool

Installing A New Inground Pool Should Be a Dream – Not a Nightmare

Have you ever considered getting a new inground pool installed? But you were not sure where to go? And what it would cost?  Perhaps you’ve even heard one or two stories where a pool project dragged on forever? Or worse, went horribly wrong?  Well, installing a pool should NOT be a nightmare at all!  What is required though, is careful planning by the prospective pool…

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